Welcome to the Language Center!
(1) English reinforcement and academic guidance
(2) Standardized test guidance
(3) Promoting a fun-learning English environment
- Spelling Bee contest
- English Speech contest
Our Team
Welcome to the Language Center!
Our goals at the Language Center are to provide student support in the following categories:
(1) Afterschool Program:
The afterschool program provides academic assistance for students. Our services include English reinforcement, subject corner learning (math, physics, history, etc.), and bridging courses. In addition with the above, other services and resources we apply include peer tutoring and learning contracts.
(2) Standardized Test Guidance:
The TOEFL, IELTS, SAT and ACT are some of the standardized tests that students will face when they apply for universities in the future. The Language Center provides guide plans, practice problems and computer-based mock tests for students. Students can take classes of the above test taught by specialized teachers.
(3) ESL Department
The ESL (English as Second Language) Department delivers coherent, formative and project based assessments aligned with The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Next Generation Science Standards and WIDA ESL curriculum standards. ESL instruction is delivered through sheltered and differentiated instruction of reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Instructors focus on specialized vocabulary, learning strategies and literary skills necessary for their students to graduate from the sheltered classrooms and enter into the general school program.
What we do
• Standardized test guidance, e.g. TOEFL, SAT and ACT
• Afterschool academic guidance
• Peer tutoring
• Academic (Learning) contract
• English summer camp
• English reinforcement